Minecraft: The Haunted Wiki

Ship Warring is anything that insults or discourages another ship, and is against our policies. Although The Haunted has more characters with Males, people still ship some of them. A "ship" is a shortened word for relationship. Example: Dra/ke + Gra/yson = Drayson.

Examples of ship warning: Ship x is stupid / boring etc. Ship x will never happen. I hate x ship because it's stupid / makes no sense / obnoxious / pathetic / boring. x ship will never happen. You need help if you think x ship will ever happen. X shippers suck. X ship is so much better than y ship.

What is not ship warning: Friendly, civil discussion about the ships is allowed.

Examples: I prefer x ship over y ship. I hope x ship happens. I like both x and y ships, but I like x better.
